10 ways to protect your fire-department finances from theft
Earlier this month, the former treasurer of a New Jersey fire department admitted to embezzling more than $300,000, using fire-department checks to pay off her mortgage and her family’s car loans. The thefts occurred over a six-year period. Such occurrences are far too common, according to William Jenaway, executive vice president of insurance provider VFIS.
Writing Samples
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Profile: 2013 Volunteer Chief of the Year Freddy L. Johnson Sr.
With backgrounds in fire, law enforcement and the military, 2013 Volunteer Chief of the Year Freddy Johnson Sr. knows the importance of a dynamic approach.
House subcommittee to consider increasing post-disaster funds
for code-adopting states
The Safe Building Code Incentive Act would provide additional post-disaster funding to states that voluntarily adopt and enforce model building codes.
When it comes to public image, perception is reality
Gustav Flaubert once wrote that, “There is no truth. There is only perception.” For the fire service, perhaps that statement should read, “There is no trust. There is only perception.”
Panelists: Budget crisis may be over, but long-term effects remain to be seen
According to IAFC Executive Director Mark Light, 45% of fire departments across the country were forced to cut budgets during the economic downturn; another 25% relied more heavily on federal grants to fund staffing and services. At the same time, demands for service grew higher than pre-recession levels.
Advice for new leaders comes in many forms
I am what the fire service would call homegrown. I came to FIRE CHIEF a little more than a decade ago right after college and steadily have been promoted through the ranks every few years. Recently I was promoted into the big office — with all of the responsibility that comes with it.
How FEMA applied its lessons learned to Superstorm Sandy
Michael Brown resigned as FEMA administrator after being accused of responding too slowly to Hurricane Katrina in 2005. Fortunately, FEMA seems to have learned its lessons from Hurricane Katrina, even if Brown has not.